Suositut CARBSKIN mallit ovat Unihoc mailamalliston keveimpiä. Uusi suunnitteluprosessi on tuonut paremman kestävyyden ja myös enemmän kiertojäykkyyttä näin kevyeen varteen.
Hinta Alk. 129,00€
Varsipituudet: 87cm, 92cm, 96cm, 100cm
Jäykkyys: 29mm
Varsimuoto: Pyöreä
Varsimateriaali: Carbskin hiilikuitu
Paino: 189 g
Grippi: Carbskin
Lapa: Epic Feather Light (PP)
The new CARBSKIN® models are the lightest sticks in Unihoc product range. By using the thinnest possible layers of woven carbon fiber in a completely new layup structure we have been able to reduce the weight at the same time as we have enhanced the structure of the shaft. It is an extremely careful and time- consuming method, carried out through very advanced elaborating processes, to create each individual shaft so that it reaches the demanded level of the required properties.
Unihoc work to maximize the performance of composite technology has led to the construction of the CARBSKIN® weave, which allows to build shafts with a more stable and consistent construction throughout the entire shaft. This solid construction creates a faster rebound of the shaft during the shot movement, which generates more power that gives a greater kick effect and a harder shot.
The new construction process creates better consistency and strength in the physical properties of the shaft which dramatically improves the performance, and especially the balance. The shafts are more consistently built from tip end to butt end, and the reduction of vibrations in the shaft is fantastic. This also leads to a clearly improved durability and steadiness, and the result is Unihoc strongest lightweight sticks ever.
EPIC Feather Light (PP) lapa:
EPIC on moderni lapa, jossa on keskikokoinen koveruus aina kannasta lavan kärkeen asti. Hyvin muotoiltu lapa mahdollistaa erinomaisen pallonhallinnan ja paremman laukauksen. Sopii sekä syöttämiseen että laukomiseen. Feather Light (PP) -materiaali antaa lavalle erittäin pehmeän pallotuntuman. Feather -materiaali on kevyempi ja siinä on hieman enemmän kitkaa kuin perinteisessä polyeteeni (PE Regular) -lapamateriaalissa.
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Lisää ostoskoriin129,00€
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